

Cameron Gales
News Oct 17, 2022

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in Infrastructure: A Q&A with Cameron Gales

Our West Region Social-Economic Inclusion Leader discusses his experience leading student engagement, workforce development and small business inclusion for the Omaha School Bond Program – and how he’s now taking those experiences to other communities.
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Paul Roberts headshot in banner graphic
Beyond If
News Oct 06, 2022

Product Development in Age of Digital Disruption: A Q&A with Paul Roberts

For this feature, we caught up with Paul Roberts, our manager of digital products in the Australia-New Zealand region, to understand how digital products align with Jacobs’ vision to become a global solutions advisor and provider and how data solutions help leverage the power of digital and data to help solve the world’s most critical challenges.
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Image of Nigel Pontee in black shirt and wearing glasses.
News Oct 06, 2022

Capturing Blue Carbon in Coastal Habitats: A Q&A with Professor Nigel Pontee

Jacobs Global Technology Leader for Coastal Planning and Engineering Nigel Pontee explains how the restoration of coastal habitats like saltmarshes can contribute to climate change mitigation.
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Hollie Schmidt headshot
News Sep 20, 2022

We are the World: A Q&A with World Biodiversity Summit Speaker Hollie Schmidt

While the song “We are the World” may have been released in 1985, the themes of climate action and protecting our future still hold today. We discuss these topics and more with Jacobs Resilient + Sustainability Business Advisory Director Hollie Schmidt.
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Q&A with Alan Stenson Jacobs Senior Director, Global Security & Resilience
News Sep 19, 2022

Rise Up for BeyondZero: A Q&A with Alan Stenson

In this Q&A, we connected with Senior Director Global Security & Resilience Alan Stenson to discuss Jacobs’ BeyondZero program, its 15-year anniversary and their personal commitment to rise up for BeyondZero.
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Ben Vordermaier headshot
News Sep 13, 2022

Why effective, efficient, accurate data capture matters more now than ever before: A Q&A with Ben Vordermaier

For this feature, we caught up with Ben Vordermaier, our section lead for data capture in the ANZ region, to better understand the field of data capture, its importance, usage scenarios, emergent trends and how digital technologies have transformed this field over the years.
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Q&A with Bryce Youngson Jacobs Mechanical Engineer, Society of American Military Engineers Engineering and Construction Camp Mentor
News Sep 07, 2022

Soaking up the STEAM of Summer: A Q&A with STEAM Camp Mentor Bryce Youngson

Summer isn’t the only thing STEAM-ing up this time of year. Get to know Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) Engineering and Construction Camp Mentor and Jacobs Mechanical Engineer Bryce Youngson as he discussed eating, sleeping and learning alongside the students.
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Q&A with Jim Kelly Jacobs Senior Director of Global Environment
News Sep 01, 2022

Rise Up for BeyondZero: A Q&A with Jim Kelly

In this Q&A, we connected with Senior Director of Global Environment Jim Kelly to discuss Jacobs’ BeyondZero program, its 15-year anniversary and his personal commitment to rise up for BeyondZero.
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Jennifer Liggett Headshot
News Aug 23, 2022

Solutions for Drinking Water Quality: A Q&A with Jennifer Liggett

Jennifer Liggett leads a team committed to helping our water utility clients in the U.S. comply with the new requirements of the Lead and Copper Rule.
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Peter Cramer headshot in Q&A banner graphic
News Aug 16, 2022

Powering Progress in Life Sciences: A Q&A with Peter Cramer, AIA Subject Matter Expert and Principal Process Architect

With advances in mRNA set to usher in changes in modern medicine, Peter Cramer discusses how we support clients to overcome challenges in this rapidly evolving field and deliver first-of-a-kind projects.
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Tina Briese headshot
News Aug 08, 2022

Women in Engineering Making a Difference: A Q&A with Project Integration Specialist Tina Briese

Tina shares what it’s like to be an engineer delivering solutions for our clients in Australia.
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Paul Rendle headshot in yellow Q&A banner
News Aug 04, 2022

How Intelligent Transportation Systems are Reshaping the Future of Mobility: A Q&A with Paul Rendle

For this feature, we caught up with Paul Rendle, our technical director of intelligent transport systems (ITS) for the Asia Pacific region, to understand how ITS helps solve complex mobility challenges amidst the surging population and growth of megacities across the world while unlocking new frontiers in future transportation.
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