Driving Coordination and Collaboration with an Integrated Strategy

Driving change with an asset management digital roadmap


The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is responsible for one of Europe's largest nuclear decommissioning and remediation programs; it manages thousands of employees and partners with hundreds of industry and supply chain companies to achieve the complex decommissioning work across its 17 sites. With so many moving parts and stakeholders, there was a multi-faceted challenge to better align asset management strategy, unify and improve digital maturity, upgrade asset performance using data insights and embed best practice across the NDA.

The answer to this challenge required developing a clear transformational digital vision – a strategic roadmap focused on asset management development and enhancement through digital techniques. This bespoke blueprint was built from the ground up and its success relied on the close relationship between the NDA, Jacobs and PA Consulting and the NDA’s operating companies. Short and long-term digital objectives were defined and mapped as key enablers, and crucially, all of it was guided by best practice and proven principles of the Institute of Asset Management.

The cohesive roadmap was bolstered with the formation of a Digital SteerCo, a cross-organizational steering group created to drive progress, share learnings and align planning, tools, workforce and governance across all operating companies.

This strategic vision unlocked several major benefits for the NDA. Aligning the asset management digital strategy across the group makes better use of information and systems, improves the allocation of resources, strengthens decision-making, elevates safety and saves money – it’s estimated to offer potential savings of around £2 billion over the next decade.

This asset management digital roadmap puts our people at the center of transformation and helps to achieve the NDA’s mission of delivering the best value for the U.K. taxpayer by reducing the highest hazards and risks while ensuring safe, secure and environmentally responsible operations at the nuclear sites.

“Having a developed and benefit-proven roadmap supports the NDA’s vision of a digitally enabled workforce.”

Dave Clark

Asset Management and Continuous Improvement (AM&CI) Manager, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority