Installing Interoperability Through an Integrated, Software-Savvy Approach

Integrating technology and talent by enabling intelligent asset management


Due to the number of operating companies, partners and supply chain specialists across the 17 nuclear sites across its estate, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) wanted to improve interoperability and system integration, especially within asset management applications at the operating companies. There are a wide variety of applications with similar functions being utilized across the estate but at varying levels of maturity and access, so the NDA identified an opportunity to develop an integrated approach that supported the asset information strategy defined by a cross-organizational steering group (Digital SteerCo). 

The first step in building this approach relied on the NDA, supported by Jacobs and PA Consulting, working closely with each operating company to understand what applications they have and how they are used. On top of this research, representatives from the NDA and the operating companies formed a strategic working group to collaborate on enterprise asset management and unlock opportunities. This work continues to deliver value as we deliver our mission.

This working group is empowered to leverage existing core vendor relationships  – such as Microsoft, IBM, Mainsaver and Autodesk – to improve functionality and interoperability. It enables the NDA to leverage group buying power and unlock the best value for money. It also offers the competitive advantage of measuring investments using portfolio management across the whole enterprise asset lifecycle – not as standalone, individual projects. The NDA can now invest as an entire group where there is a consistent need for a software solution and it has created a consistent structure in how we manage and operate our information and analytical systems. This will help share best practice and iterate our processes as well as connect the ‘islands’ of the value chain by reusing and re-cycling architecture patterns and infrastructure as code across the operating companies. To sum up, that means gaining more software value at a lower cost and creating more efficient IT systems.

By analyzing the estate’s shared value chain and enabling intelligent asset management, the digital systems will support the asset information strategy and accelerate collaboration activities with purpose.

“By uniting all applications and technology with one value chain, we’re able to consolidate and use economies of scale to unlock greater efficiencies, reliability and value for money for our IT investments.”

Norrie Craig

Group Chief Architect, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority