Understanding and reducing N2O emissions from wastewater treatment processes is key for water industries to achieve meaningful carbon reduction. In this latest webinar, we focus on the practical experience of monitoring and reducing N2O emissions at full scale.
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is produced in wastewater treatment and is a significant contributor to global warming when we consider water industry emissions. Produced during both nitrification and denitrification processes in conventional biological wastewater treatment processes, including activated sludge, fixed film and sequencing batch reactor systems, the biological reactions are complex and not yet fully understood. However, with the climate crisis here today, water utilities and water companies throughout the world urgently need to better understand these emissions in their work towards achieving net zero and carbon positive benefits across natural and urban water cycles.
Understanding and reducing N2O emissions from wastewater treatment processes is key for water industries to achieve meaningful carbon reduction to tackle the climate challenges - particularly when we consider 1 tonne of N2O has the warming potential of approximately 298 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a 100-year lifespan. Inspired by this and the urgency required, we are working with water companies and partners to better understand N2O emissions and to develop tools and approaches to reduce these. We see great value in sharing best practice and inspiration from across the world, given the scale of action required today and the progressive approach being adopted by some utilities in N2O mitigation.
Our Water Process lead for Europe, Amanda Lake, introduces this latest webinar, and our Water Sector Carbon Specialist, Dr Ariane Brotto provides an overview of N2O complexity and challenges. Dr Mikkel Andersen of Unisense shares experiences from long-term N2O monitoring and mitigation in the Danish Water industry, whilst Jose Porro of Cobalt Water Global shares his recent experience in mitigation of N2O emissions across two facilities in the Netherlands.
Sharing this global practice is important. It highlights what is possible and the direction of travel required for effective climate action today.
Watch the full webinar below:

For other webinars focused on hot topics in the water industry, please check out our “In the kNOW Webinar” series where we feature webinars on Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence and Aging Infrastructure, One Water, COVID-19 Response and Resilience.
Meet Ariane Brotto here - CIWEM’s Young Environmentalist of the Year 2020.