

VIPER 3D model (Credit: NASA)
News Dec 13, 2021

Jacobs Teams with NASA to Develop Water-Hunting Lunar Rover

As part of the Artemis program, NASA is developing its first mobile rover to explore the southern pole of the moon in search of ice and other resources on and below the lunar surface. Data from the Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, or VIPER, will help the agency map frozen water resources at the edge of Shackleton Crater that could one day be harvested for long-term human exploration on the moon. Read about Jacobs’ involvement in the development of the water-hunting lunar rover in this article.
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Jim Nichols event
News Dec 07, 2021

Webinar: Catch Our Insights on Outsourcing for Public-Private Partnerships

The pandemic and subsequent economic downturn have reduced budgets and resource pools for many local governments. Outsourcing and public-private partnerships provide an avenue for recovery, but planning and proper consideration are essential when deciding whether to outsource key services. In an upcoming webinar on December 14, sponsored by the International City/County Management Association, Jacobs Program Manager Jim Nichols will discuss the advantages and potential downsides of outsourced services and public-private partnerships.
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Carer Confident Active Employer banner
News Dec 06, 2021

Jacobs Wins UK Accolade for Supporting Carers

We’ve been certified as a Carer Confident Active Employer! Read how we’re building a positive, inclusive workplace for everyone – including the growing number of employees who are, or will become, carers.
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World Disability Day 2021
News Dec 03, 2021

Living Inclusion: Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

In honor of the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we’re reflecting on Jacobs’ achievements – including joining the #PurpleLightUp initiative and hitting new milestones with our ACE employee network – and the path ahead for disability inclusion in this article.
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Our extraordinary young talent
News Dec 02, 2021

The Future of Jacobs: Our Extraordinary Young Talent

Building upon our core value of living inclusion, investing in our young talent from all communities was one of our priorities during our internship program. Read how in this new article, published ahead of International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3.
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Beyond COP26
News Nov 29, 2021

Beyond COP26

Jacobs Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou reflects on his COP26 and what’s next!
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Jacobs Secures Place on England’s National Highways Scheme Delivery Framework
News Nov 24, 2021

Jacobs Secures Place on England’s National Highways Scheme Delivery Framework

Award covers design renewal and improvement schemes on England’s strategic road network, including preliminary design, detail design and site supervision services.
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Jacobs Chief Operating Officer Bob Pragada joins the Intel team for a groundbreaking ceremony.
News Nov 23, 2021

Intel and Jacobs: Solving the Global Semiconductor Shortage

By making fab engineering more cost effective, reliable and repeatable, Jacobs is supporting Intel’s goals to increase domestic chipmaking capacity, end the semiconductor shortage, meet global demand and create a more balanced, resilient global supply chain.
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Redefining Coastal Squeeze: A Report for the Environment Agency
News Nov 23, 2021

Redefining Coastal Squeeze: A Report for the Environment Agency

Jacobs Global Technology Director - Coastal Planning & Engineering Professor Nigel Pontee recently led the production of a report for the UK Environment Agency which will inform future assessment of coastal squeeze and the requirement for the creation of compensatory habitat.
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US Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Impacts for Drinking Water Systems
News Nov 22, 2021

US Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Impacts for Drinking Water Systems

In this article, Jacobs Global Technology Leader for Drinking Water Quality Jennifer Liggett, Global Drinking Water & Reuse Solutions Director Russell Ford, and Financial Services Consulting Team Lead Mike Matichich, summarize the recent H.R. 3684 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act legislation, including what the investments and opportunities are for the water sector and how funding may be accessed.
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5 Top Tips to Bid 2021 Farewell in Good Mental Health
News Nov 19, 2021

5 Top Tips to Bid 2021 Farewell in Good Mental Health

“Can you believe the year is almost over?!” is a common phrase heard throughout November. As we enter the final six weeks of 2021, many of us may be feeling fatigued after a long year and starting to stress about closing out our 2021 targets, the upcoming holiday season or making plans for the new year.
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Jacobs Completes Acquisition of Blacklynx
News Nov 19, 2021

Jacobs Completes Acquisition of Blacklynx

Today we completed our acquisition of BlackLynx. The transaction further positions us as a leader in high-value government services as well as critical infrastructure sectors and allows Jacobs to further advance its leading portfolio of cyber, intelligence and digital solutions.
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