

Artificial Intelligence
News Dec 08, 2020

Jacobs Adds Artificial Intelligence to its Digital EHS Information Management Solutions

The AI/NLP technology automates the conversion of regulatory documents for clients in the industrial, commercial and government sectors.
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Stock image of overflowed sanitary sewer
Beyond If
News Dec 08, 2020

How Integrated Catchment Modelling Improves our Understanding of Flood Risk in Urban Areas

Floods are among the most common and destructive natural hazards. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, every year, around the world, floods cause more than $40 billion in damage and thousands of deaths. What if we showed you how Jacobs’ next generation of flood modelling software helps better understand flood risk in urban areas?
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News Dec 04, 2020

Jacobs and NASA Begin Stacking of Space Launch System - Critical Step in Preparations for Artemis I Mission

First Solid Rocket Booster segment moves to Vehicle Assembly Building at KSC
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Laboratories stock image
News Dec 01, 2020

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Supports Transport Canada in Research for Clean Energy Technologies to Decarbonize Marine Sector

Read more about an innovative partnership with the potential to reduce environmental impact.
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pile of multicolored marbles
News Nov 23, 2020

Jacobs Supports UK Railway Industry’s Charter to Champion Greater Diversity

Jacobs has committed to support and promote a new Charter, launched by the U.K. Railway Industry Association and Women in Rail, to champion equality, diversity and inclusion in the railway industry.
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people shaking hands out of focus
News Nov 20, 2020

Jacobs Initiates Strategic Partnership to Advance Gender Diversity in the Operations and Maintenance Industry

Our team is partnering with Daughters of Rosie to recruit and retain skilled, qualified female operators and technicians for our projects. Learn more in this new article.
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Two teammates in PPE with the charred little library
News Nov 19, 2020

How Heroic Jacobs Operators Rebuilt Their Little Free Library

Jacobs and the Village of Carol Stream, Illinois have been partners since 1997. Jacobs operates the Villages 13-million-gallon-per-day wastewater facility, known locally as the Water Reclamation Center (WRC). Our 7.5- member staff keeps the WRC in top shape, and our people are always looking for ways to support the community. One of their many outreach and educational endeavors, the Little Free Library, recently encountered a little, okay big, setback, when it burned down. Undaunted, our Jacobs heroes brought this literary treasure back from the ashes, better and stronger than before. Read the touching full story on
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Clear Company's Silver Standard banner
News Nov 18, 2020

Setting the Standard: Jacobs Inclusive Culture

One of the U.K.’s leading inclusion benchmarking organizations, The Clear Company, has honored Jacobs’ inclusive culture with its “Silver Standard” status. Read the full story for the exciting details.
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Poppy field
News Nov 11, 2020

Celebrating Our Veterans on November 11th

This Veterans Day, we’re honoring our military veterans and reaffirming our commitment to being the employer of choice, in every way. See how in this article.
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Streetscape out of focus with glasses in foreground helping focus
News Nov 06, 2020

Putting a Focus on Inclusive Mobility for All

At Jacobs, we know that if we are inclusive, we’re more connected, and if we are diverse, we’re more creative. We don’t just live our values internally, we live inclusion in the communities where we live, work, educate and play. Read how we’re putting a focus on inclusive mobility with the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.
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sand timer draining
News Nov 05, 2020

Tackling Climate Change: Our Pledge to Action Campaign Launches

Everyone has experienced delays and cancellations because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is no exception. With COP26 rescheduled for this time next year, we’re launching a campaign to demonstrate what we can collectively achieve in a year when we unite in the fight against climate change.
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International Space Station orbiting the Earth
News Nov 02, 2020

Jacobs Congratulates NASA on 20 Years of Human Presence on the International Space Station

NASA has achieved unprecedented scientific and engineering success on the International Space Station, and Jacobs is proud to have partnered with NASA every step of the way. Explore how in this article.
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