

Klyde Warren Park, Dallas
News Oct 14, 2020

Jacobs and Klyde Warren Park: Giving the Gift of Social Value

Read more: Jacobs recently donated $8 million to the Klyde Warren Park Foundation to expand the beloved Dallas greenspace that is the jewel of downtown Dallas.
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Heather Wishart-Smith quote graphic: Innovation doesn't happen by corporate mandate, it happens when people at every level have the courage and feel empowered to reframe the problem, challenge the status quo and try something new
Beyond If
News Oct 14, 2020

Heather Wishart-Smith Named a Finalist for Autodesk Innovator of the Year Award

The Innovator of the Year Award recognizes practitioners for driving digital transformation to reimagine the design and construction practice. Learn more and see Heather's thoughts on our innovation progress in this article.
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Aerial view of the Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant with mountains in background
News Oct 13, 2020

Unlocking Indonesia’s Geothermal Potential

The world’s second largest geothermal producer, Indonesia, is further boosting capacity with current generation capacity set to grow from 1,800 megawatts to 7,200 megawatts by 2025. One of the projects helping the government reach this target is the Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant in South Solok, West Sumatra. Read more about the Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant in this article.
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Client winners banner
News Oct 12, 2020

Jacobs Clients Recognized as 2020 Utility of The Future Today Winners

Jacobs teams, clients and partners among 65 utilities lauded for providing sustainable and innovative services to their communities. Read more in this article.
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Aerial view of cleanup site
News Oct 12, 2020

Celebrating Vision 2020: First-of-Its-Kind Nuclear Cleanup Supported by Jacobs

From secretive beginnings to economic development for the community, we’re celebrating Vision 2020 with a look at the history behind the East Tennessee Technology Park and its successful cleanup.
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Zeb Farooq headshot
News Oct 10, 2020

Jacobs Bid Manager Recognized for Mentoring Next Generation

Zeb Farooq, a Bid Manager with Jacobs Critical Mission Solutions International, has been appointed MBE (Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) for services to young people. Learn how he’s mentoring the next generation to challenge today and reinvent tomorrow.
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Digital twin abstract image
News Oct 02, 2020

WEFTEC 2020: Showcasing Jacobs Digital Solutions and Project Distinction

At the first-ever virtual WEFTEC experience, our team will forecast the future, talking how with digital twins, artificial intelligence and other resilient solutions, we can help customers navigate both the pandemic challenges today and the changing landscape of tomorrow.
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Lightbulb being held by person with sunset in background
News Oct 01, 2020

3 Virtual Opportunities to Hear Jacobs Talk Cultural Shifts, Achieving Equitability and Leadership

With a pivot from the traditional Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) annual conference to a virtual learning series, Jacobs leaders are sharing messages about Women! Take the Lead and Equitable Transportation Benefits Everyone.
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Embracing the Challenges of N2O
News Sep 25, 2020

Climate Action in the Water Industry – Embracing the Challenges of N2O

In this webinar, we focus on the practical experience of monitoring and reducing N2O emissions at full scale.
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Reinventing the Business of Airports
News Sep 17, 2020

Reinventing the Business of Airports

Read how Jacobs is partnering with the aviation industry to work through the current extremely challenging environment and emerge with financially robust and sustainable business models beyond the pandemic.
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News Stock image
News Sep 17, 2020

Chair and CEO Steve Demetriou Provides the Dallas Regional Chamber with Insights on Jacobs' Global Action Plan for Advancing Justice and Equality

This Q&A is a part of an ongoing series of DRC interviews with representatives from its member organizations.
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UK Water Net Zero
News Sep 15, 2020

UK Water Net Zero Carbon: Quantifying the Benefits of Biosolids to Land

Exploring the opportunity for the U.K. water industry in quantifying the carbon benefits of biosolids to land.
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