

Q&A with Sonya Pemberton Jacobs Materials Justification, Aging Management Planning Lead
News Jun 23, 2022

Encouraging the Next Generation of Scientists, Engineers: A Q&A with Sonya Pemberton

After graduating with a PhD in Materials Science, Sonya Pemberton knew she wanted her work to make a positive contribution to society and address the challenges we face relating to climate change. Find out how she got to where she is today and why she was attracted to a career in STEAM for this Q&A for International Women in Engineering Day.
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Q&A with Eva Bonaccorsi Jacobs Highways Engineer
News Jun 22, 2022

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions: A Q&A with Eva Bonaccorsi

Eva Bonaccorsi talks career, the importance of asking questions and the tiles mural she created to honor her hometown in this Q&A for International Women in Engineering Day 2022.
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Q&A with Jhivaun Freeman-Pollard Jacobs Senior Director
News Jun 21, 2022

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Be Open to Change: A Q&A with Jhivaun Freeman-Pollard

Jhivaun Freeman-Pollard shares how her love of engineering pulled her away from a career in law in this Q&A for International Women in Engineering Day.
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Q&A with Ashley Dittberner Jacobs Operations Manager, NASA Langley Research Center
News Jun 20, 2022

Conducting Wind Tunnel Tests to Support NASA’s Artemis Program: A Q&A with Ashley Dittberner

Ashley Dittberner talks about ensuring the safe liftoff of the Space Launch System as Jacobs supports NASA’s Artemis program that will send the first woman and person of color to the moon!
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Q&A with Stacey Somerville Space Sustainment Systems Engineer, Critical Mission Solutions - Asia Pacific
News Jun 19, 2022

Women in Engineering, Making a Difference: A Q&A with Stacey Somerville

As a Space Sustainment Systems Engineer, Stacey joined #OurJacobs team two years ago and is based in Adelaide, Australia. Stacey is a member of the growing Critical Mission Solutions team in the Asia- Pacific region. Get to know her in this Q&A for International Women in Engineering Day 2022.
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Q&A with Cindy Miller Jacobs Program Manager
News Jun 17, 2022

Finding the Best Solution to the Next Problem: A Q&A with Cindy Miller

Having retired from the Navy after 20 years of service, Cindy Miller was looking for a new challenge. Find out what she’s up to today and why she was attracted to a career in STEAM in this Q&A for International Women in Engineering Day 2022.
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Jacobs B2P Rwanda team women
News Jun 16, 2022

Connecting Communities to Endless Opportunities: A Q&A with our Bridges to Prosperity Team

Before waving off #OurJacobs teammates that are heading to Rwanda to build a bridge for an isolated community with Bridges to Prosperity, we simply couldn’t resist connecting with the women in the team for an early International Women in Engineering Day feature.
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Q&A with Joanne Caruso Jacobs Chief Legal and Administrative Officer
News Jun 15, 2022

Rise Up for BeyondZero: A Q&A with Joanne Caruso

In this Q&A, we connected with Chief Legal & Administrative Officer Joanne Caruso to discuss Jacobs’ BeyondZero program, its 15-year anniversary and their personal commitment to rise up for BeyondZero.
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Q&A with Paul Digney Jacobs Technical Director for Data Capture, Australia & New Zealand
News Jun 10, 2022

Accelerating Geospatial Digital Transformation to Tackle Global Challenges: A Q&A with Paul Digney

For this feature, we caught up with Paul Digney, our technical director of data capture in Australia and New Zealand, to talk about innovative digital technologies that enhance data capture, the role of spatial data in tackling global challenges and his experience as the president of the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) Australia.
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Q&A with Heather Beaumont Head of Profession for Physics, Waste & Environment, Warrington, England, U.K.
News Jun 10, 2022

Powering the Future: A Q&A with Heather Beaumont

With 30 years of experience working on nuclear powering and decommissioning, Heather Beaumont talks careers, her work with the U.K. Institute of Physics and the role advanced modular reactors can play in decarbonization in this Q&A.
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World Multiple Sclerosis Day
News Jun 08, 2022

Reflecting on World MS Day: A Q&A with Cindy Yerkey, Fiona Rose, DeDe Watkins

World MS Day, is celebrated on May 30 each year. It brings the global MS community together to share stories, raise awareness and campaign with everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS). In honor of World MS Day, we connected with three Jacobs team members who shared their personal stories.
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Q&A with Ian Sharpe Jacobs Technical Advisor for Program Advisory, Australia & New Zealand
News Jun 07, 2022

The Criticality of Effective Program Management in the Digital Age: A Q&A with Ian Sharpe

For this feature, we caught up with Ian Sharpe, our technical director for program advisory in Australia and New Zealand, to understand the importance of program management, how it helps manage multiple projects and interdependencies effectively, and the role digital technologies play in successful program delivery.
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