

Intelligent asset management: Now that's smart Graceson Scariah Abhishek Singh
Beyond If
Podcasts May 08, 2023

Intelligent Asset Management: Now That’s Smart

On this episode of If/When, we explore data-driven intelligent asset management with Graceson Scariah, CNS&A Asset Lifecycle Management Lead, Airservices Australia, and Abhishek Singh, Director - Technology Convergence, Jacobs. During the discussion, they shared their thoughts on some of the top benefits that intelligent asset management can provide, as well as methods that organizations should consider when trying to deploy intelligent asset management in their operations.
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Uplift or Downshift? The Ethics of AI Development David Brin
Beyond If
Podcasts Apr 24, 2023

Uplift or Downshift? The Ethics of AI Development

On this episode of If/When we are joined by award-winning author and scientist David Brin to unpack the topic of the ethical development of artificial intelligence. He shared his opinions on the role of built-in laws or codes of ethics, how to potentially incentivize AI behavior, and how reciprocal accountability might be the key to ensuring safe AI development.
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Living Buildings: Data, safety and maintenance
Beyond If
Podcasts Apr 17, 2023

Living Buildings: Data, Safety and Maintenance

In the realm of building management, safety of tenants is of paramount importance. This has led to robust regulatory requirements to ensure that facilities, especially older facilities, are properly maintenanced and that complete digital records of upkeep are accessible. Through the advent of digital technology in this space, it has given rise to the concept of structures as “living buildings”, with building managers now able to track wear and tear with a much greater degree of visibility and even anticipate potential structural problems before they occur. On this episode of If/When we unpacked the topic of data-enabled building management with Leighton Cardwell, Jacobs Sector Growth Director - Cities and Places, Europe and Liza-Jane Sapsford, Technical Director - Digital Products, Jacobs.
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Data-enabled utilities: helping things flow Simon Gaskell Samantha Sloan
Beyond If
Podcasts Apr 05, 2023

Data-Enabled Utilities: Helping Things Flow

When it comes to wastewater management, utility managers are discovering that deploying a data-driven approach to their operations is helping them to realize cost and resource efficiencies and to avoid emerging problems like never before. This keeps things flowing, which is music to the ears of customers, plant operators and people concerned about offsetting potentially damaging environmental incidents. On this episode of If/When our guests are Jacobs Senior Associate Director Simon Gaskell and Network Business Manager of United Utilities Samantha Sloan.
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Airdrops & Analytics: Aeronautic Rock
Beyond If
Podcasts Mar 13, 2023

Airdrops & Analytics: Aeronautic Rock

When it comes to aviation-based supply drops, it’s not a simple matter of pushing things out of airplanes and hoping they land where you want them. It’s a highly advanced and precise science that demands a number of technical and theoretical proficiencies. On this episode of If/When we discussed the art and science behind aviation airdrops with Chief Engineer Jeff McCoy and Product Manager Jeff Cusato, both of the Jacobs Software Engineering Center. They walk us through the Jacobs air drop solution, which allows U.S. and allied air forces to execute high precision air drop missions that range from troop insertions, to advanced forces logistics support, to critical humanitarian aid.
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Talent Enablement: Bringing Out Their Best Shannon Miller
Podcasts Mar 06, 2023

Talent Enablement: Bringing Out Their Best

Successful businesses are finding that good management consists in creating cultures where people want to do their best because they feel encouraged to be their best. On this episode of If/When we discussed talent enablement with Shannon Miller, Jacobs executive vice president and the president of the company’s Divergent Solutions operating unit. Shannon shares some of the best practices she has witnessed throughout her career, her thoughts on the role that mentors and sponsors play in career development, and the importance of trust in creating an effective company culture.
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Flood modelling: When the rain comes down Roger Falconer Richard Crowder
Beyond If
Podcasts Mar 03, 2023

Flood Modelling: When the Rain Comes Down

Each year, flooding disasters have the potential to cause billions in negative financial impact, and more importantly can imperil the lives of many, many people caught up in their path. However, thanks to data science and advanced tools and technologies, scientists are now more able than ever to assess and contend with dangerous floodwaters. On this episode of If/When we are joined by two experts in flood risk management and mitigation: Roger Falconer, Emeritus Professor of Water and Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering, at Cardiff University and Dr. Richard Crowder, Jacobs Director, Water & Environment. We discussed what they’re seeing in terms of flooding frequency and severity, especially with a view towards the impact of climate change; we also discussed how emerging technologies can help with flood risk management and the latest advancements in flood model accuracy and response.
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Negotiation: Points of know returns
Beyond If
Podcasts Feb 27, 2023

Negotiation: Points of Know Returns

On this episode of If/When we discuss the art of negotiation with Chris Voss, CEO and founder of the Black Swan Group and the acclaimed author of the book, Never Split the Difference. In the discussion that follows, Chris shares the lessons he’s learned in his career as a lead negotiator that are amazingly applicable to anyone looking to create a positive outcome between parties. He explains some of the most common mistakes would-be dealmakers commit, and he unpacks for us concepts such as Yes without How is worthless, and Start with No.
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Safe spaces: Operational technology cybersecurity Adi Karisik
Beyond If
Podcasts Feb 06, 2023

Safe Spaces: Operational Technology Cybersecurity

No cyberattacks are good, of course, but some are much worse than others. And in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, with increased connectivity and emerging technology, even disconnected network systems can still be confronted with potential cyber risks. And when it comes to critical infrastructure, cyber defenders absolutely have to get it right. On this episode of If/When, we discussed the topic of operational technology, or OT, Cybersecurity with Adi Karisik, Global Technology Principal – OT Cyber, Jacobs. Adi shared his insights on the types of threats that OT Cyber defends against, the principles for operating an OT network, the challenges of staying ahead of the bad actors out there, and some examples of successful OT cyber projects.
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Miracles and memories: The baby from Auschwitz Leslie Rosenthal
Podcasts Jan 27, 2023

Miracles and Memories: The baby from Auschwitz

In 2005, the United Nations designated January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day, with the stated goal to “mobilize civil society for Holocaust remembrance and education, in order to help to prevent future acts of genocide”. The date was selected as the day when Auschwitz ceased operations as World War II drew to a close. In honor of this, we wanted to produce a special edition of the If/When podcast. On this episode, it was a very special privilege to sit down with Leslie Rosenthal of Toronto, Canada. During World War II, Leslie’s mother Miriam was pregnant with him during her internment at Auschwitz in late 1944. By a miracle, she and her unborn son escaped being selected for death. Miriam was then transferred to one of Dachau’s subcamps, where Leslie was born at the end of February 1945. By a series of miraculous events, both Miriam and her infant son survived the war and were reunited with their husband and father, Bela.
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Resilience: Not Business as Usual
Beyond If
Podcasts Jan 24, 2023

Resilience: Not Business as Usual

Much of today’s world is shaped by the impact of COVID-19, and pandemic response is operationalized into everything we do moving into the future. In this episode of If/When, we're joined by Bob Pragada and Chrissy Thom. We discussed how Jacobs is shifting its business focus, operations and reimagined solutions to thrive through the path of COVID-19’s global pandemic.
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Intrapreneurship: Building from the inside
Beyond If
Podcasts Jan 17, 2023

Intrapreneurship: Building From the Inside

Not all digital innovations and new tech is developed by folks working out of their garages. Sometimes, the next start-up that’s waiting to happen is being developed within an existing organization – even a big, global one. What matters is having an entrepreneurial mindset that combines invention, business acumen and zeal for the customer and solving their problems, and approaching all of that like an owner. Hence, the rise of the intrapreneur. On this episode of If/When our guests are two gentlemen from Jacobs who are part of the team behind Alluvial, a new data insights solution that they run like a start-up business: Alex Mahrou, Director of Incubation for Data & Technology and Alluvial Product Manager, and David Yardy, Software Architect.
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