Our People

Meet Joyce Chang

Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

Joyce Chang Headshot

When it comes to wastewater treatment systems, Wastewater Technology Leader Joyce Chang is the go-to person in Canada at Jacobs.

Joyce is passionate about creating wastewater treatment systems that deliver long-lasting solutions for the communities and environment they serve. She specializes in wastewater treatment and resource recovery, with experience helping stakeholders communicate and collaborate within the unique context of each project. Joyce is excited about developing sustainable facilities and implementing innovative solutions. She's also an enthusiastic mentor for the next generation of engineers, committed to kicking the door open for other women and minorities worldwide. During the past decade, Joyce has mentored many junior engineers across Canada through regular conversations about their career aspirations and challenges. She also participates in the mentoring program with the School of Engineering (Applied Science) at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

In her technical leadership role, Joyce has helped a Canadian client, Metro Vancouver, develop a project definition report for the multibillion-dollar Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade. Currently, she’s managing the pilot test of two secondary treatment options (aerobic granular sludge and membrane bioreactor) at this same plant. She also led the identification and evaluation of wastewater treatment technologies and prepared an indicative design of the proposed technologies. In addition to revealing the strengths and challenges of these technologies, the program will help inform the design of the full-scale upgrade of the treatment plant. Following a year of pilot testing and based on performance and other evaluation criteria, a preferred technology will be selected and advanced as part of the pilot plant, which will then operate for two years.

Joyce’s experience ranges from wastewater treatment facility planning and pilot testing to treatment process design and commissioning, design management and project management. She understands how a wastewater facility needs to function and how to assemble all the water resource “puzzle pieces” for any project.

“What most inspires me is contributing to the greater good—designing facilities in a way that will leave a positive legacy and continue to serve the generations yet to come…”

Joyce Chang Headshot

Joyce Chang

Jacobs Wastewater Technology Leader

Get to know Joyce

What are you most excited about when it comes to working with the Metro Vancouver community?

I am excited to be doing good for the community and building infrastructure that will serve our communities sustainably and resiliently. This is home. It’s where my family is—it’s important to contribute to my community. Metro Vancouver has an inspiring vision to build a sustainable region and transition to a low-carbon future, and sharing that vision is exciting.

When you aren’t working, what are we most likely to find you doing?

Outside of work, I enjoy skiing, golfing, geocaching and playing musical instruments. I volunteer as a board member for an engineering nonprofit organization, Engineering Ministries International (EMI), that mobilizes volunteers to deliver design projects for people in need worldwide. I’ve participated in seven trips overseas with this organization to help design, for example, schools, orphanages and water/wastewater systems. It was a great way to give back to the communities. I also volunteer with the British Columbia Water and Waste Association (BCWWA) as the Wastewater Management Community of Practice Co-lead. As part of that, I’ll initiate a new network of wastewater professionals and facilitate sharing knowledge and networking. Aside from BCWWA, I’m actively involved with the Water Environment Federation and a member of the WEFTEC 2023 Program Committee and Municipal Resource Recovery Committee.

What’s your favorite part of your role?

I love to collaborate with a team of individuals who, with different backgrounds and talents, come together to do good for the community. We can do so much more together than we can on our own. My favorite part of my role as Jacobs’ Canadian Wastewater Technology Leader is connecting with people across organizations and businesses to technology leaders, peers and mentees. Conversing with everyone contributing their part and helping connect people to the resources they need to succeed excites me. And even though I’m detailed oriented by nature, this role allows me to look at the big picture, which is eye-opening. I enjoy solving technical problems and being a part of game-changing innovation. I like to know that what I’m doing serves a purpose: contributing to the greater good and helping the communities.

What is one tip you can give to someone looking to get involved in conserving our planet’s water?

Well, my first thought is, “Great! if they’re looking into this, they already have the right attitude!” And once someone is passionate, the rest will follow. Share your passion with your family and practice water conservation. Even better, go overseas and witness water scarcity and the need to conserve water in person! Try to get involved at a community level. Get involved in an organization such as Water for People, whose goal is to conserve and provide water for those in need in other parts of the world. We need people to be passionate about preserving our planet’s resources—so don’t be afraid to show your passion and do the right thing!

What do you enjoy most about being part of #OurJacobs?

It’s the people and being part of a team. We have many great people—extremely bright, talented, kind-hearted— who like collaborating. The culture is very positive. We’re doing things sustainably, with innovative approaches, always striving to improve.