Saving Time and Reducing Errors with Tailored PowerBI Dashboards

Empowering decision-makers by making Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS) performance data accessible


Nuclear Transport Solutions (NTS) is a leading global provider of safe, secure and reliable nuclear transport solutions. As a specialist transport and logistics company within the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), one of the greatest challenges is empowering the right people with the right data at the right time. Timely insights could save time, money and effort and improve reliability. 

The teams required accurate, visualized, highly accessible data on portable screens and they needed to be able to drill down from headline metrics to understand the next level of detail. The solution was created through a collaborative approach between the NTS shipping team, Jacobs and PA Consulting. The relationship developed an understanding of current data flows and data availability and defined areas of improvement through stakeholder discussion. This led to the creation of proof-of-concept Power BI dashboards to replicate two existing manual dashboards. Crucially, these were fully compliant with all requirements, including the NDA’s secure by design guidelines. 

The rewards were instantly recognizable. By making NTS performance data accessible through these innovative dashboards laid the groundwork for improved data practices and made it easier for users to engage with the data and refine it into a common version of the truth. It improved the use of existing data extracts by seamlessly converting them into machine-readable formats and creating a common data set linkage. These learnings were shared with the NTS Railside team, as they illustrated the art of the possible through technology and collaboration. Crucially, each dashboard saved the time equivalent of two to three days within month-end reporting.

“These proof-of-concept dashboards have demonstrated the huge potential value to NTS Shipping by enabling the right decision at the right time with the right data. These decisions are critical to maintaining and improving performance for the NTS.”

Colin Turner

Senior Manager, Nuclear Transport Solutions