Transforming Manual Processes into Data-Empowered Decisions at Dounreay, Scotland, U.K.

Delivering data-led insights through connected infrastructure


At the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority’s (NDA) Dounreay site, staff were using manual operational processes to collect information from the site’s ventilation stacks, requiring many hours of data capture, plant walks and human effort.

Specialist teams from Jacobs and PA Consulting, Dounreay Information Technology (IT) and operations, regulators and the NDA asset management team identified a new approach to link operational processes and IT systems to improve safety, efficiency and accuracy. They implemented technology to create a secure link between IT and Operational Technology (OT) systems, connecting our infrastructure and offering an integrated, cyber-secure data management approach that can be systemized for all assets.

It was needed to empower and accelerate decision-making – not delay it – and improve the use of human resources across the NDA.

This connected solution captures data and makes it available in real time for employees to view, analyze and use to make informed decisions. It empowers the right people at the right time by making vital asset information instantly visible on personal computers, tablets and phones. Using technology instead of manual collection reduces potential harm to individuals accessing hazardous areas. It unlocks remote site monitoring and helps to safeguard assets while driving seamless collaboration and team performance management. By linking the OT and IT systems, the teams can improve safety, efficiency and accuracy.

This connected infrastructure offers a secure, replicable and scalable framework for the NDA to use across other processes and operating companies and to build towards a safer, more efficient future of complete remote monitoring and control.

“This is the result of great teamwork between departments at Dounreay and with the NDA and supply chain partners. In addition to increasing the speed at which information was made available, the historical manual approach came with risks of human error. This new, innovative and transformational approach is not only working for Dounreay but has the potential to be used across the NDA group.”

Mick Moore

Site Operations Director