Urban Flooding: Driving Community Improvement Through Urban Flood Mitigation

The frequency and intensity of urban flooding has had devastating impacts on exposed communities across the globe, from the economic cost of damage and disruption, to mental and physical health and displacement.
The challenge in managing this hazard is complicated as the cause of floods is often poorly understood and mitigation can be secondary to water quality considerations for sewer programs. However, by taking a holistic approach to understanding the causes and developing solutions, mitigating urban flooding presents opportunities to deliver improvements to neighborhoods and communities. This webinar examines the causes of urban flooding, the opportunities available from a proactive approach to mitigation and the importance of community engagement in understanding the problem and developing solutions.
- Adam Hosking, Water Resources Global Solutions Director, Jacobs - Moderator
- Erik Haniman, Linear Asset Planning Manager, Philadelphia Water Department
- Elise Ibendahl, Flood Modelling & Planning Global Technology Leader, Jacobs
- Lisa Koerkenmeier, Director of Planning and Development, City of Brentwood, Missouri
- Phil Blonn, Senior Flood Mitigation Design Subject Matter Expert, Jacobs