Lessons for Municipal Flood Risk Management from Major Flood Programs

As a follow up to previous webinars, this "In the kNOW" webinar covers another important element of the climate crisis – major floods. This webinar features two major flood programs: the Environment Agency’s Oxford-Cambridge Arc Flood Risk Investment Study (OxCam) in the UK and the California Central Valley Flood Program (CVFPP).
The OxCam regional flood study explores how to make robust and adaptive investment decisions to manage evolving flood risk linked to rapid housing growth and climate change, using tens of thousands of flood simulations across 3 catchments to represent a host of potential future risk scenarios, and to optimize the level and timing of investment across that range of scenarios. The CVFPP serves as California’s strategic blueprint to improve flood risk management in the Central Valley under changing conditions.
Together, these projects demonstrate the influence climate change can have on decisions we make now – and the importance of building our understanding of how risk may change in the future.
Moderator: Elise Ibendahl, Jacobs, Global Technology Lead, Flood Modeling and Planning
- Ceri Lewis, Environment Agency Oxford-Cambridge Arc Team, Programme Manager
- Joe Clarke, Jacobs, Associate Director of Hydroinformatics, Water Catchment Management – Bristol
- Kris Tjernell, California Department of Water Resources, Deputy Director for Integrated Watershed Management
- Armin Munévar, Jacobs, Global Technologist, Climate Resilience, and Integrated Water Resource Management