Water Conveyance & Storage


Millions of miles of water, sewer and storm system pipes lie beneath our cities and streets. These pipe networks and conveyance systems are the support system for our way of life, transporting safe drinking water to customers and moving wastewater and stormwater to treatment facilities and discharge or reuse.

Addressing aging water infrastructure, meeting regulatory requirements and making these systems more sustainable and resilient is crucial to ensure communities have safe and reliable water, sewer and storm systems. Climate change and urbanization place continuing pressure on those systems to perform for future generations.

Leading major conveyance, storage and tunnel programs around the world, including the Doha South Sewage Infrastructure Programme; New Zealand’s largest-ever wastewater project, the Central Interceptor; and London’s Thames Tideway Tunnel, Jacobs continues to be recognized as a gamechanger in trenchless technology. We’re ranked as the No. 1 design firm in Water Transmission Lines & Aqueducts and Sanitary & Storm Sewers by Engineering News-Record.

What we do

From the conveyance and storage of treated and raw water to the collection of wastewater, reclaimed water and stormwater, Jacobs provides a variety of urban conveyance and storage solutions for projects of all sizes, incorporating sustainability and adapting to changing environmental conditions in every project.

  • Drone shot of the Coachella Canal, an aqueduct in the desert which carries water from the Colorado River across Riverside and Imperial Counties in California, from the All-American Canal to the Coachella Valley.

    Conveyance Design

    Ranked as the No. 1 design firm in Water Transmission Lines and Sanitary & Storm Sewers by Engineering News Record, we offer comprehensive design services for water conveyance infrastructure such as pipelines and canals, collection systems, outfalls and pump stations. 

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    Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation

    An industry leader in trenchless engineering, we provide full-service trenchless rehabilitation solutions as well as pipeline condition assessment and asset management services, including our data solutions Argon and Dragonfly

  • Water valve cover in the middle of the street.

    Water Distribution

    We develop solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of our clients’ water distribution systems, addressing leaks and other challenges through pipeline integrity evaluations and water loss control systems.

  • Western Branch Tunnel During Inspection

    Wet Weather Management

    As our clients tackle challenges like city flooding and combined sewer overflows (CSOs), we develop solutions for sanitary, combined and storm sewers that improve wet weather management. With industry-leading tunneling and ground engineering services, we’ve supported some of the most iconic deep tunnel sewers in the world. 

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    Corrosion Control

    From corrosion surveys to protective coatings and cathodic protection, we support clients with solutions that protect critical water conveyance infrastructure from damaging corrosion, helping to extend asset life and protect public health. 

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    Advanced Hydraulics

    We deploy advanced hydraulic modelling capabilities, including computational fluid dynamics and hydraulic transient analysis, to optimize the planning, design, construction and operations of water conveyance and storage infrastructure. 

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    From dam safety evaluations to permitting and emergency action planning services, we support clients with their dams and reservoir infrastructure for water storage, flood risk management and hydropower generation. 

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Explore our projects

Jacobs delivers tailored solutions worldwide. Our global portfolio of projects has supported clients with addressing dynamic issues like aging infrastructure, impacts from climate change, water scarcity, flooding and affordability. The solutions we develop in collaboration with our clients provide communities with the foundations they need to flourish and grow.

Meet some of our team

Read more about the talent who make it happen every day.

  •  Adel Aboujaoude
    Dr. Adel Aboujaoude, Global Solutions Director for Conveyance and Storage

    Dr. Adel AbouJaoude is a highly accomplished civil engineer with over 35 years of experience in the industry. He’s worked on a wide range of projects, from dams to water supply and conveyance systems, and is a recognized expert in developing innovative solutions to complex engineering challenges. Besides water conveyance, Dr. AbouJaoude's areas of expertise include water resources engineering, hydraulic engineering, and geotechnical engineering. Trilingual in English, French and Arabic, his work has spanned across the globe, from Europe to the Middle East, and Central Asia. He is committed to developing sustainable and resilient engineering solutions that meet the needs of today while providing a foundation for a more sustainable future.

  • Liv Haugen
    Liv Haugen, Global Practice Leader for Conveyance Design

    Liv Haugen offers a successful track record of project and technical leadership of conveyance design projects spanning more than 20 years. Her experience is focused on delivery of project planning, detailed design, condition assessment and rehabilitation for water, storm and wastewater pipelines including permitting coordination and construction. She has worked with large and small diameter pipelines of all materials, open and closed conduit flow and complex hydraulic systems, storage and pumping facilities and asset management. She also has experience with specialized planning support and design in the areas of wastewater odor modeling and mitigation in collection systems and sewer heat recovery. She is committed to the sharing of knowledge and information, mentoring, and supporting teams and clients across the company with their conveyance design needs.

  • Lee Sears
    Lee Sears, Global Practice Leader for Corrosion Control

    Dr. Lee Sears is a well-respected materials engineer with nearly 20 years of experience in the corrosion control industry. Dr. Sears holds various industry specific certifications including certification as a NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) Cathodic Protection Specialist. He is Jacobs’ Corrosion Control team leader, assisting with high performance industrial coatings, materials selection, and facility condition assessments. Additionally, Dr. Sears and his team are able to provide extensive cathodic protection assistance including design calculations, troubleshooting, installation and testing, and both AC and DC interference detection and mitigation.

  • Mark Draper
    Mark Draper, Global Practice Leader for Conveyance Design

    Mark Draper is a civil engineer with over 25 years of experience designing underground infrastructure systems in Canada and the United Kingdom. Mark has been involved with all aspects of conveyance engineering from conceptual design through to detailed design and construction supervision. He has also undertaken condition assessment of pipelines, pumping and lift stations. As a senior Conveyance Engineer Mark is responsible for the quality review on many of Jacobs’s projects, that includes watermain, stormwater and sanitary components, such as highways, airports, light rail, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and lift stations.

  • Alan Brown
    Alan Brown, Global Practice Leader for Dams and Reservoirs

    Alan Brown is a civil engineer with over 40 years of experience of the water industry obtained both in the U.K. and overseas, covering principally the inspection, risk assessment and rehabilitation of existing dams and the study, detailed design and supervision of construction of both remedial works to existing, and new, dams some with associated hydropower. Alan has a detailed knowledge of hydraulics, geotechnical engineering, risk assessment and economic analysis. He is an All Reservoirs Panel Engineer under U.K. reservoir safety legislation and a UK Registered Ground Engineering Advisor (ROGP).

  • Kevin Nielsen
    Kevin Nielsen, Global Practice Leader for Advanced Hydraulics

    Dr. Kevin Nielsen is a licensed professional engineer. He has over 40 years with the firm working on projects in water, wastewater, conveyance, and water resources. He has extensive experience conducting hydraulic and hydrological analyses for water supply, hydroelectric, irrigation, fish hatchery, river systems, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation projects. He is an expert in the detailed analysis of transients associated with pump stations and hydropower operation and the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for evaluating complex hydraulics. He has extensive experience conducting CFD and physical model hydraulic analyses for CSO and tunnel projects including the analysis of various dropshaft alternatives and major terminal pump stations. He has been the Global Practice Leader for Advanced Hydraulics for Jacobs for over 15 years with the responsibility to lead the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Transient analysis across the globe.

  • Brian Skeens
    Brian Skeens, Water Distribution Global Principal

    Brian Skeens has more than 25 years of experience as a civil and environmental engineer, project manager, and Senior Principal Technologist for Jacobs. He has served as project manager, technical and task leader and subject matter expert on projects ranging from water distribution and wastewater collection hydraulic model updates to a full model construction from scratch. Brian has also been involved in projects involving water distribution system water quality and energy optimization. He has also served various roles on water conservation and efficiency projects for water providers, as well as government entities to help make the most efficient use of water, and plan appropriately to extend the life of current water supplies and infrastructure. Brian has led the development and implementation of water loss audits and non-revenue water reduction programs. He has also served as senior technologist and project manager on water system and water supply projects for large and small water systems, as well as regional and state planning for water resource management.

  • Terry Krause
    Terry Krause, Program Manager

    Terry Krause is a seasoned program manager at Jacobs with 50 years of experience in all aspects of water and wastewater treatment as well as wastewater collection and water storage and distribution systems. This experience ranges from preliminary studies through detailed engineering designs and construction related services. He has supported projects both nationally and internationally, including alternative delivery approaches such as design-build.

  • Bill McMillin
    Bill McMillin, Global Principal for Collection Systems and Wet Weather Management

    Bill McMillin is a graduate of Manhattan College in New York City, is a licensed Professional Engineer and a Board-certified Water Resources Engineer with over 35 years of experience in water resources, drinking water and wastewater engineering. Bill has served as program manager, project manager, subject matter expert and expert witness for over 100 projects worldwide related collection systems management, operations and maintenance, drinking water and wastewater treatment, asset management surface water quality, integrated planning, environmental contamination and remediation, sustainability, climate risk and resilience, permitting, compliance and enforcement negotiation. He participated in authoring federal guidance for combined sewer overflow controls, professional publications on wet weather management including WEF’s 2006 Wet Weather Guide, and federal guides on flood and drought risk and resilience for water utilities. He is an active member in the professional community holding leadership roles in the Water Environment Federation Collection System Community and his local member associations in New York and New Jersey. Bill also served on a post-disaster investigation team for the American Society of Civil Engineers after Hurricane Sandy in 2013.

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