Our People

Meet Edwin Van Ginkel

Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Edwin Van Ginkel Headshot

Jacobs Senior Program Director Edwin Van Ginkel is always trying to make an impact.

Across his 30-year career, Edwin has worked almost exclusively on billion-dollar public programs, specifically in K-12 and higher education, at previous firms, his own company, and now Jacobs. Currently, he leads the program management team for the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), the largest community college district in the United States with nine individual colleges. 

Edwin’s favorite part of his role is watching students find success. Many of LACCD’s students come from disadvantaged backgrounds, and he and his team work passionately to manage the design and construction of state-of-the-art facilities, helping every student achieve their dreams and find fulfilling career paths. He is also excited about the future of education, especially in California. LACCD recently passed its fifth bond measure, creating more opportunities to improve outdated facilities. Edwin looks forward to what comes next for himself and LACCD while making a difference for the next generation.

“Because I get to see the faces of the individuals that will use these facilities, it provides a different kind of joy than just a developer that gets to make money from their project. I enjoy being part of every student taking another step toward their American Dream.”

Edwin Van Ginkel Headshot

Edwin Van Ginkel

Jacobs Senior Program Director

Get to know Edwin

As a California native, how does your knowledge of the community help with programs like LACCD’s?

Growing up in Southern California, I didn't see the challenges our students face today. We have individuals at LACCD with food insecurity or who are experiencing homelessness. In a previous program, for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), we built 133 schools to improve access around Los Angeles because students were being bussed for two hours each way just to get an education. 

The idea that students would have to get up at 5:30 a.m. and then immediately leave school at the end of the day was heartbreaking. They would have to miss out on extracurriculars and much of the educational experience because of a lack of access to closer facilities. It's exciting to create solutions that mitigate these issues in my own community. I can improve things for future generations by doing what we do at Jacobs. 

Has working on other public sector projects helped shape your perspective?

I think where I add value is bringing high-quality teams together. Over the years, I have been able to look at a problem and make actionable recommendations to our clients. All construction development has its challenges, but how you address those challenges makes the difference. I enjoy partnering with clients and stakeholders to resolve obstacles and deliver successful programs.

Whether it is supply chain shortages or budgeting challenges, it’s essential to show that we can compete in an environment where there aren’t enough resources to go around - we can do a lot with a little. We want to ensure we are at the top of their list of partners to work with on these facilities.

More importantly, I want to help guide our teams in creating solutions for today’s challenges. There are many changing trends and technologies aiming to improve the learning experience, such as the increase in hybrid or online learning. However, then we face the question of how we meet the basic needs of students while accommodating all these changes. Additionally, we are facing a housing crisis in the U.S., so how do we integrate these technologies while providing spaces for students to learn, live and thrive?

Those challenges push me to be part of my clients’ daily journeys. I want to help be part of the solution as they tackle these big ideas for the future.

Can you share an interesting project story?

I’m particularly proud of our recently completed Culinary Arts Building at the Los Angeles Trade Technical College (LATTC) for their Culinary Arts Pathway. LATTC is one of LACCD’s colleges that focuses on technical career paths, moving students into careers in two years or less.

After completing the building, I sponsored and attended the third annual Culinary Cup, a competition between LATTC, LA Mission College and LA Harbor College students. Since the new facility opened its doors the previous year, LATTC hosted the competition for the first time, and their students won big in all categories.

LATTC students have won many culinary awards for their work, and it was exciting to see it in person. I’m also proud to have helped LACCD with their submission to the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) Southern California chapter, where the Culinary Arts Building won a Project Achievement Award in 2022. 

I enjoy working on these specialty projects rather than just a traditional building. There are many ways you can have an impact when creating unique instructional spaces like this one. 

When you aren’t working, what are we most likely to find you doing?

Like many gentlemen my age, I like to play golf. I had stopped for quite a few years, but I have two young sons who decided to start playing during the pandemic, and I was able to start playing again. I recently got my first hole-in-one, which was exciting.

I have three children, two sons and a daughter, and my wife of 34 years. I enjoy doing things as a family, and I hope can travel more with my wife in the future.

What is your favorite part of working at #OurJacobs?

My favorite part of working at Jacobs is the people I meet and the available resources. I am constantly amazed at the people who have been at Jacobs for 20-30 years and the loyalty I see across our teams. It's a testament to Jacobs and how they treat their employees. You don't see that in the marketplace these days, and it truly is a differentiator for our clients.  We can provide creative insight and solutions to their challenges with one phone call from a global pool of talent who have experienced similar challenges. Our network of best practices is quite incredible.