PFAS and Emerging Contaminants

Navigating PFAS and emerging contaminants to enhance health and safety, ensure regulatory compliance and maintain business continuity

The PFAS challenge

What are PFAS and What We Bring

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are long-lasting synthetic chemicals commonly used in industrial and household products. They do not degrade naturally and can be found in supply chains, water, and the environment due to widespread manufacture, use and release. 

We offer extensive expertise in environmental remediation and water treatment, including identifying and assessing PFAS sources, assessing and addressing contamination pathways, and evaluating, designing and implementing multi-media treatment techniques. With over 15,000 colleagues worldwide serving the water, environment and advanced manufacturing sectors, we have a deep understanding of the state of the science and regulations, allowing us to guide our clients towards the best solutions for managing liabilities. Our industry-leading technical experts are actively involved in innovation, research and development initiatives to find next-generation solutions for the PFAS challenge. 

Did you know?

  • 15 K+

    estimated PFAS compounds

  • 320 K

    Tons of total PFAS produced annually globally

  • 27 K

    Tons of PFAS disposed of in the U.S. 2018-2023

  • 120 K+

    U.S. PFAS sites

  • > 70 M

    Americans with PFAS impacted water

  • 97 %

    Americans with PFAS in their blood

The PFAS Challenge and Lifecycle

The lifecycle of PFAS begins with their production at chemical plants, followed by their inclusion in various consumer and industrial products. When these PFAS-containing products are disposed of, they can leach from landfills and contaminate groundwater. Additionally, firefighting foams containing PFAS can pollute soil and groundwater. Due to their chemical properties, PFAS can travel extensively in groundwater, ultimately affecting surface water bodies and potentially contaminating drinking water sources. When wastewater is treated, PFAS can become concentrated, leading to contamination of biosolids. 

The widespread presence of PFAS requires organizations to implement comprehensive solutions to remove these substances from products, processes and supply chains or to remediate environmental and water contamination. Achieving this requires holistic approaches that span various sectors and business boundaries.  

PFAS Isogram

A: Production & manufacturing: During PFAS production and downstream use, discharges or spills can lead to multi-media contamination.

B: Consumers: PFAS are used in common household products that can be traced in the human body and linked to various medical conditions.

C: PFAS in firefighting foam: Deployments of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) can lead to groundwater, surface water and/or soil contamination.

D: Landfills: PFAS may leach from contaminated materials placed in landfills, impact groundwater and escape containment structures.

E: Contaminated soil, groundwater and surface water: PFAS released to the environment can impact soil and travel long distances in groundwater.

F: Biosolids: Biosolids used as fertilizer on farms leach into groundwater or run off into surface water bodies.

G: Water treatment plants: Drinking (G) and wastewater (H) treatment plants must remove PFAS to very low concentrations. 

Our holistic cross-market PFAS solutions

  • Production, supply chains and manufacturing
    Production, supply chains and manufacturing

    Challenges: PFAS producers and downstream manufacturers must identify where PFAS-containing materials are present in their supply chains and processes and identify safe, sustainable alternative materials while maintaining business continuity. 

    Our solutions: Risk assessment and mitigation, supply chain analysis, alternative material analysis 

  • Industrial and consumer applications
    Industrial and consumer applications

    Challenges: PFAS producers and downstream manufacturers must identify where PFAS-containing materials are present in their supply chains and processes and identify safe, sustainable alternative materials while maintaining business continuity. 

    Our solutions: Risk assessment and mitigation, supply chain analysis, alternative material analysis 

  • Environmental restoration and revitalization
    Environmental restoration and revitalization

    Challenges: PFAS that have been released to the environment must be remediated, treated or removed before they reach receptors, such as aquifers and water bodies. Organizations must understand and act on their PFAS risks and liabilities before regulations force action.

    Our solutions: Assessment, characterization, remediation design, risk assessment, PM/CM, O&M 

  • Drinking, waste and industrial water treatment
    Drinking, waste and industrial water treatment

    Challenges: PFAS that have contaminated drinking, waste and industrial water streams, as well as biosolids, must be removed or treated to ensure the health and safety of the public and ecosystems. Municipal, federal and commercial organizations must achieve and maintain compliance as regulatorily mandated criteria become enforceable.

    Our solutions: Planning and assessment services, technology evaluation and cost estimating, bench- and pilot-scale testing, design, PM/CM, O&M, turn-key design-build alternative delivery.

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Our PFAS data evaluation toolset to visualize PFAS distribution, identify PFAS sources and understand their impact on human health, the environment and business operations.

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